All posts by: Ambika Subramanian

About Ambika Subramanian

15 years' clinical research experience, including 13 years in medical writing; led multiple global medical writing projects; Authoring experience spans across regulatory writing, safety writing, and medical communication; experience of setting up robust medical writing processes.

Examples of Performance-based Agreements and Recent HTA Outcomes for Novel Therapies

by in Actu-Real Blog

Risk-sharing agreements (RSAs), especially performance-based, are only growing in popularity among payers, health technology assessment (HTA) agencies, and manufacturers, as they provide common grounds to make new medicines (even more for high-cost ones) available to patients that otherwise wouldn’t be at the time of product launch when limited real-world data are available. HTA outcomes help […]

Exciting Novel Therapies but With Questionable Accessibility and Affordability!

by in Actu-Real Blog

Risks and Solutions for High-cost Therapies In the last few years, we have seen novel therapies for some complex, rare, and even previously untreatable diseases being approved – Brineura for a rare disorder of the brain, Luxturna for a specific kind of retinal dystrophy, Zolgensma for spinal muscular atrophy, etc. These drugs offer a huge […]

Value-based Healthcare: A concept waiting to reach its full potential

by in Actu-Real Blog

Value-based healthcare (VBH) as a concept was introduced in 2006 by Porter and Teisberg1, though facets of this concept have been around for much longer. Value-based healthcare delivery model is a framework that encourages healthcare providers to focus on quality than quantity. A look at the different healthcare systems across the globe immediately makes it […]

    Actu-Real Inc.

    Actu-Real offers solutions and services to help payers, providers and pharmaceutical companies optimize objectives of access, quality and cost of healthcare, with the backbone of a fit-for-purpose, all-in-one technology platform for data integration, advanced analytics, reporting and visualization.


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